Komentar :
Endang S Fanggidae Lerrich (20/03/2018 10:29)
The office is clean enough, the park zone i very wide and comfort. The meeting room is wide and bright. The electricity needs some improovement. The building is quite new.
The government employees are very polite, this can influence to a better service to the community in this region
Ina cupertin (07/02/2018 13:13)
Hijaunya bikin hati adem
Andry Petun (01/10/2017 13:25)
Kantornya bagus....dengan desain bangunan menggunakan rumah khas adat sumba namun dengan gaya moderen.
Salmon Pandarangga (02/04/2017 04:51)
This regent office is quite big for this district. It is surrounded by so many offices. It is quite out of town.
Roam Sumba (25/10/2016 13:25)
I had the honor of a sit down meeting with the current Bupati, a real pleasure.
Umbu Oskar Tamu Ama (27/07/2017 03:00)
Tempatnya bagus, alami, bersih. Bangunan khas Sumba
Elviantari Sabatudung (17/03/2017 06:09)
sugeng paryanto (14/01/2017 08:16)
Lumayan megah...
Lussy Selly (15/04/2016 00:02)
Kangen weekarou
Ama Riwu03 (04/06/2015 05:01)
Penelusuran google maps tidak bisa melihat atau mencari seluruh tempat