Komentar :
Nurul Huda (30/06/2018 10:14)
Islamic bookstore, herbal, and fashion muslim. Nice place, great service
Elariesta Wahid (04/04/2018 21:43)
You can find many kinds of Islamic book here....Qur'an, Hadits , Shirah, Tafsir, Fiqih, etc. There is also many kinds of educational tools for kids. Nice to shop there
azzam abdullah (27/02/2018 12:24)
Lot of Islamic book with interesting promotion. Almost every book has a discount label on it, and if you buy in several price there will be another bonuses like pin or a ticket for community training. Even though quite hard to find because it located in the middle of village, lot of people knew this place, and Google maps could help you, so if you are in soloraya, just take a visit to this place. You will not regret.
Retranevasya Masayu (26/01/2018 15:35)
Its a good place, you can find many islamic books, and many things about Islam; likely sajadah, hijab, tasbih.
Ayu Irmasari Raharjanti (17/12/2017 06:37)
A good place, where you searching anybook.. Especially Islamic book...
Willy Naresta Hanum (14/12/2017 11:36)
This place is really cool, provides books with a very complete Islamic content, such as Aqidah, Tawheed, Fiqh, Real Stories, Al-Quran, Pocket Books.
And also provides perfume, honey, eye medicine, bruises, etc.
Comfortable, clean, spacious parking area, good service. And visitors must remove their footwear if enter the bookstore, so it feels like in the mosque.
M Falah (04/12/2017 14:28)
Good bookstore in solo, The book collection is complete, the staff is friendly, the atmosphere is peaceful.. Recommended book store
Lukman Aryoseto (02/10/2017 01:06)
Love this place, the books collections are perfect,.. You can buy islamic book, food, clothes, bow, arrow, sword, etc here,..
noer achmad yusuf widodo (04/09/2017 15:16)
Almost all you want to know abt Islam is available as books
initials AR (04/09/2017 10:27)
need islamic book? this place is recomended for it
joko munarso (30/06/2017 23:27)
One stop shopping for moslem staff such as hijab cloth book etc.
isti solo (27/06/2017 10:45)
It's the best store I ever gone there
Wildan Ainurrafiq (14/06/2017 07:10)
sering ada diskonn.. dan untukkoleksi bukunya lumayan lengkap dan fashionnya bagus2 dan murah2
Fani Wardhana (10/06/2017 04:39)
Selalu ada diskon
Abu Abdillah (15/04/2017 04:10)
Prisanta Fathoni (09/04/2017 03:42)
Bagus tingkatkan
Rochmat Purwanto (05/04/2017 00:13)
toko buku yang lengkap dan ada beberapa produk fashion
KF Multimedia (23/03/2017 14:42)
Toko buku islami menjual segala macam buku referensi islam, dari puluhan penerbit. Buku berbahasa arab juga ada.
Aris Setiawan (16/02/2017 15:46)
I like it
boby ganteng (11/02/2017 14:29)
desinta purnamasari (13/01/2017 13:29)
Banyak koleksi buku islam yg bagus!
Dwi Purwanto (28/12/2016 00:46)
Toko buku dengan buku buku islami yang komplit. Toko pakaian islami yang up to date dengan tidak meninggalkan nilai syari
yusuf setyadi (11/09/2016 07:59)
Toko buku islam
irwan taufik (04/09/2016 14:15)
toko herbal, buku dan fashion islami yg lengkap, barang baqus2..yg jelas islami
Suntoro Post (30/08/2016 04:23)
pusat belanja buku agama Islam, berbagai mushaf Al Qur'an, poster-poster, dalam komplek perbelanjaan ini juga terdapat unit penjualan herbal dan BMT
Indra Purnama (19/08/2016 02:52)
Toko buku muslim lengkap dan tempat luas @ solo