Komentar :
Cindy Selviani (07/05/2018 14:27)
Economic rate, but dont expect much from this motels.. Rooms, furnitures, beds are old.. This motel should improve their light and breakfast.. The only breakfast served is fried rice.. Towels given to me both ripped.. The bed sheet is dirty and smell not good.. The plus point, this motel near from Yogya Junction (supermarket), culinary spot, traditional market, Bogor Botanical Garden, Sempur..
Iwan Marunduri (28/04/2018 21:14)
Economics rate, good for meeting with clients
Ridwan Guide Bogor (13/04/2018 04:19)
Nice smooth place for stay....nearby botanic garden....
Dede Ghodell (05/03/2018 09:35)
dhany listianto (12/02/2018 00:36)
Lim Bona (18/10/2017 01:49)
This place historic so nice to see
lim brasco (25/07/2017 14:41)
Nice place recomended....
Adek Irmawardhani (01/05/2017 07:42)
Very comfortable... :)
Yayadwi Susanto (04/11/2017 14:59)
Budget lumayan murah.Kamar cukup luas.pelayaan staff ramah.Tapi gak begitu nyaman.Kamar sebelah ada beberapa keuarga.agak berisik.sehingga agak menganggu.Trs di bawah ada cafe..jadi suara dr cafe tsb kedengeran juga...
arditya ramdhan (27/08/2017 09:21)
Tempatnya di tengah kota, harga terjangkau.
lord jon (09/07/2017 09:21)
sejuk and nyaman
Aditiya BP (18/06/2017 15:21)
nice place
Arief Priyanto (20/04/2017 14:36)
Penginapan yg nyaman
simon subiakto Alamsyah (28/03/2017 12:39)
Nyaman tempatnya