Komentar :
Nazir Azhari (06/03/2018 04:19)
Cheap but the conditions are great at par with much more expensive hotel.
andri rahmandika (21/01/2018 00:42)
Cheap guest house for traveller...so many cafe and resto arround here
M Bahrun I Chourmain (09/08/2017 11:52)
nice budget lodge
tria cielo (26/04/2017 14:19)
They have good facilities and good service. Not only that their prize is reasonable.
hasbi hasyim (03/01/2017 17:17)
This guest have a clean and friendly room with double bed, and near with taman kencana bogor
Barror Rasyid (18/09/2017 08:44)
Penginapan tengah kota, mudah dijangkau, dekat taman sempur dan taman kencana, namun tetap ramah kantong
Indah Maisuri (13/06/2017 06:24)
Kamarnya lumayan bersih dan luas serta lokasi penginapan dekat dengan taman