Komentar :
Muhammad Zidane (26/09/2020 07:34)
Just great
Nashwa Yusfa (26/09/2020 07:33)
Fast and sometimes you can wait if the part is there
Novi Handayani (26/09/2020 07:29)
Good service
Yusfa Olivia (26/09/2020 07:23)
Alhamdulillah, my cellphone is normal again
Fuada Yudha (02/08/2020 16:24)
Highly recommended, I have always had the cellphone service here in Sragen in my opinion this is the best
Neow Grafika (30/03/2018 03:18)
Servis handphone
Najwa Phones (24/04/2017 10:43)
menyediakan sparepart handphones dan servis hp bisa ditunggu
Itang Rifat (25/02/2017 14:26)
Tempat dekat jalan raya gampang carinya..wis pokoke joss markojos top markotop servisane tk kasih 4 dulu...
Adi Tya (24/02/2017 10:50)
servis bisa d tunggu...sak puase????????
EL Anime TV (24/02/2017 07:27)
Aku nyervis entuk kopi kapal api... mantep nan bossss.... semoga sukses
Yulianto _234 (30/03/2018 03:18)
Servis handphone
darman Oke (24/02/2017 07:32)
servis hp bisa ditunggu. hasil memuaskan.
smoga tambah lancar slalu
Angger 93 (24/02/2017 07:27)
Aku nyervis entuk kopi kapal api... mantep nan bossss.... semoga sukses
Atik Erna (24/02/2017 12:55)
Ganti lcd tab advan berapa bos???