Komentar :
sarasati setiyo asih (23/05/2018 06:35)
Comfort place for stay but bad meal for breakfast
ainur rachman (14/03/2018 23:49)
It is actually an Airy rooms too. The place is nice, tidy and comfy. Really good for travellers who on budget or backpackers
Gamers Online (18/02/2018 05:05)
Good place...and very nice for price hahaks
Ferry Vix (02/02/2018 13:54)
This motel have a great room design and clean, mostly in white. Lil' bit nature concept in the lobby.
Priscilla Agustina (13/01/2018 03:00)
Quite comfortable... Not too crowded... And quite clean too... It's nice... Room rate in weekdays 179,000 IDR, and weekend 199,000IDR per night...
Farrah Muthrafah (20/06/2017 13:46)
Feels like home. but sometimes to noisy because some guess watching tv at living room till late. breakfast only bread. Far from main road. Low rate but worth it.
Hendrik yuli pradana (05/12/2017 09:32)
The location is good and you can relax in here
Ronald Ekaputra (23/05/2017 00:43)
cosy, cheap, great staff
Hana (16/04/2017 03:04)
Quiet nice place to short-time living
Nien Kitchen (03/04/2017 23:19)
Nice room, good complimentary, low price
mila cantika (09/02/2017 04:29)
Fasilitas oke bangetttt..... Harga nya murahh bingiiitttt...
Tan Linda Setiawan (06/01/2017 07:19)
Clean but a little bit humid
Nurmaningsih Nisrina (25/12/2016 14:44)
Nyaman dan sesuai harga, tapi harus
siap dengan kendaraan sendiri.
Erick Erick (23/12/2016 18:21)
Cheap but clean
Lu'aili Addina (29/10/2016 01:49)
Lumayan nyaman dan bersih, tp gk ada jendela dan agak jauh dari jaln raya
Budi Prasetyo Ap (26/11/2016 14:13)
Ajeng Sri Rusdianti (24/11/2016 02:13)
Tyan SKAsuka Merchandise Sragen (11/11/2016 21:08)
Tempat yang nyaman dan pelayanan yang istimewa dengan harga yang sangatlah terjangkau
Bayhaqi Idris (14/09/2016 13:25)
nyaman & bersih