Komentar :
Muhammad Fajaruddin (20/03/2020 13:30)
Takiya Hadi (26/12/2019 03:22)
muhammad Donie Pus (07/12/2019 18:56)
brand new station
tkz bp (15/10/2019 04:21)
Nice facility...
Farras Multazam Hilmi Madani Syam (07/07/2019 09:39)
Well these stars r subjective. But trust me u'll love the entire city. Nice little train station anyway #visitsragen
Waskito Nugroho (18/02/2019 11:14)
It's calm, clean, and so peaceful. The crew here also kind and In front of this there is a big mosque of Sragen. Place of this train station in the center of city. So easy to find it and support online public transportation like grab and gojek
M Faizal Ramadhan (06/06/2019 03:59)
There is no restroom in the lobby
Hannah (04/03/2019 09:28)
Good. Clean.
Randy Eko Lutvian (22/03/2018 09:19)
Sragen Regency is a regency (Indonesian: kabupaten) in the eastern part of Central Java province in Indonesia. Its capital is Sragen, located about 30 km to the northeast of Surakarta. Sragen is bordered with East Java Province to the east.
The famous river, Bengawan Solo flows through the fertile rice fields in the region.
Fiska Wasito (30/10/2018 06:43)
Transit dl sebelum ke GOR Diponegoro
Didik Sulardi (01/10/2018 08:20)
hary kucul (24/09/2018 14:27)
Ridlo Algiffari (16/04/2018 15:22)
Tempat nya nyaman
Randy (22/03/2018 09:19)
Sragen Regency is a regency (Indonesian: kabupaten) in the eastern part of Central Java province in Indonesia. Its capital is Sragen, located about 30 km to the northeast of Surakarta. Sragen is bordered with East Java Province to the east.
The famous river, Bengawan Solo flows through the fertile rice fields in the region.
ermita yuni (13/03/2018 15:24)
nice place
De Jong Java (30/01/2018 12:14)
big station
deni rachmat (20/08/2017 16:52)
The parking system needs to be improvised. Bit inconvenient
Sulistiyono (28/06/2017 09:32)
Neat, nearly crowded, near Bunder Market
Arif Murdianto (11/12/2017 01:29)
Explore indonesia :-D
User One (27/09/2017 09:44)
Rahmat Syawaludin (27/08/2017 14:30)
clean enough
Al Yogananta (30/07/2017 15:47)
Not bad
Ahadin Fahmi (03/04/2017 10:18)
Just take photo from Pasundan train.
Agnes Nurcahyono (24/03/2017 19:39)
Hanan 12345 (05/03/2017 20:47)
Setasiun sragen sangat bagus dan indah tapi sayangnya kalau mau turun dari kereta tinggi sekali klau dri atas ke bawah kalau keretanya masuk ke jalur 2 tadi ada nenek2 yng terjatuh karena tidak sampai
YAN MEIDY UTOMO (12/02/2017 10:56)
Stasiun KAI Sragen kota ni T4 strategis dkt jl protokol/utama kota (Jln Raya Sukowati/Jln Solo-Madiun) jg dkt jalur angkota maupun angkudes (angkutan umum pedesaan) ke sluruh wil Kab Sragen. Skrg (Feb.2017) sdh ad mesin cetak mandiri tiket online, shg ga hrs antri cetak tiket d loket stasiun.
Cak AHen (23/01/2017 05:26)
Just stopped for a view minutes to drop some passengers. (By Pasundan schedule from SUB to Jogja)
Roby Tirtawidjaja (28/09/2016 06:31)
hatno wiyanto (29/06/2016 19:23)
lukman hakim (01/11/2016 04:59)
Otw. Oyi tok wes
warsito prudent (07/10/2016 07:31)
Kenangan pertama naik kereta api ooii
Hafizh Hasrindra (07/05/2016 01:01)
Stasiun kecil namun nyaman. Ada mushalla serta toilet yang cukup besar. Dekat dengan Masjid raya Al Falah. Jika Anda ingin mencetak tiket online, datanglah ke loket yang buka pagi hari sekitar pukul 7, karena tidak disediakan mesin cetak tiket mandiri.
Ajudan Prikitiw (07/04/2016 06:12)
Workshop mesin giling daur ulang plastik