Komentar :
Miftakhul Jannah (12/05/2018 22:06)
Soto sedaaap boyolali memang sedapp..kuahnya segereeeeee ..
Harga bersahabat juga...
Aneka macam lauk terhidangkan di atas meja sangat menggugah selera..
Kalo jam jam makan disini lumayan ramai..
Area parkir kurang luas ...
Well semua baik...pelayanan juga baik kok..siip deh
Justinus Andjarwirawan (29/12/2017 01:34)
best soto in Solo, best side dishes, too
Steven L Santoso (06/12/2017 04:57)
The food is served rather quickly, and there's a whole lot of side dishes to choose from. A live performer is available, who uses an organ and receives 'donations'. The taste is great, tho additional improvements may help. Staffs are also quick in responding to requests.
Eds Armanto (18/10/2017 05:14)
Delicious for breakfast
Zaga (21/09/2017 13:41)
One of the best Soto in town