Komentar :
Septian Dwi Herlangga (08/11/2017 00:26)
Tempat membeli roti dan enak harga terjangkau
subtrates diraja (29/09/2017 01:19)
Roti disini enak dan favorit saya roti bantal/sobek apalah itu yang warnanya hijau dan isi coklat
Merah Putih (05/09/2017 14:04)
Jajan enak murah ya disini. Soal rasa gak pernah ngecewain. Pas dilidah bikin puas. Sayangnya pilihan cake kurang banyak.
Adimas Banjar (25/08/2017 09:32)
Cheap but satisfying.
YAN MEIDY UTOMO (01/02/2017 09:51)
Recommend.!! They have 'kue Sus' (~eclair) a rare thing in Sragen. Bolu (rolled cake) rare as well looks good, but unfortunately they refuse to cut it smaller, so it is too big if you have only 2-3 people and no fridge (rare thing also)
The packages are really nice, but too tight, which makes the baked dough damp again and less tasty.
Wahana Cahya (31/08/2017 10:24)
Beli roti di pinggir jalan raya ya di sini salah datunya