Komentar :
De Jong Java (28/05/2018 05:29)
harus dipindah karena lokasi sudah tidak relevan lagi, membuat kemacetan, perlu di renovasi, kalo hujan becek, pengamanan kurang, penerangan kurang, tata letaknya harus di tata lagi, tata ruang, kalo bisa segera di pindah karena membuat Gemolong menjadi kumuh...
Pak Sis Siswo (23/03/2018 06:35)
Sragentina Chanel (17/03/2018 19:24)
Edi Dwiyono (15/02/2018 09:03)
One of the best marketplace in Sragen regency. There are so many stuffs can be bought here, from raw foods, daily utensil, clothes, ready-to-eat-food (meat ball, chicken noodle), fruits, vegetables etc. Find the right seller to get the best price.
The major lacks of this market, according to me only 2. The first lack is no enough spaces for parking area, so that the parking area being ruinned the neat situation that should be showed by a public area, especially like this big traditional market. The second one is the floor of this market not too good at all when the rainy season coming. The worst drainage, inpermanent floor, mixed with the muds always make this market uncomfortably for walking
Luthfiana Intishar (01/12/2017 10:48)
There is a lot of vegetable, spices, fruit, and other kitchen needs.
Dedy Catur Wicaksono (24/09/2017 05:36)
You can find many various product and there are also many restaurant here
Wigih Harsono (06/10/2017 15:07)
Clean tradional market
Agung Ariyanto (11/08/2017 01:02)
Disinilah tempat saya mengais rejeki tuk membeli sesuap nasi dan kbutuhan lainnya.
Yuliana Umi Hani (01/08/2017 07:02)
Febriana Ayu Permatasari (03/07/2017 12:00)
Pasarnya lengkap... pedaganggnya ramah.. harga juga terjangkau
Anggraini Lalang Buana (02/07/2017 18:42)
It's nostalgic
Julius Dimastyo (28/06/2017 15:35)
Traditional market in district Gemolong, Sragen,
Peter Johannes (27/05/2017 23:48)
Traditional market
WENNI ACINTIA SOFFIAN (09/05/2017 10:42)
Ciri khas pasar tradisional kotor n semrawut, tp cukup rame n murah2 kulineran disini..
Fendi Afi Santoso (28/04/2017 03:30)
Maaf kalo setelah hujan pasti becek