Komentar :
L (07/05/2020 05:10)
murahh ²...cus go here
TempeBstrd 22 (21/03/2020 10:21)
sodara heru (04/03/2020 07:07)
Roedy Kristanto (29/12/2019 14:50)
D Pur (09/12/2019 06:47)
Good market and fashion, all about up to date!!
fajri nurul (07/06/2019 07:00)
It was dizzy when queup up at market. Make to long time for buying something at naughty. Huhhhhhh
Pink Berry (14/04/2018 05:56)
This supermarket is biggest grocery station in Sragen town. Although old one and not as big as new mall in other City but still popular & people like to visit. Selling average & affordable brands.
Liya Mimi (21/08/2019 14:01)
Lovely place
Exo official (23/07/2019 07:07)
Good suprmarket
Grace Widya Sandoyo (18/03/2019 08:33)
The retail price here is affordable and appropriate.
Adimas Banjar (13/12/2018 07:46)
Amazing place
leo agung cahyono (21/11/2018 20:44)
Cheap playground for kids, cheap supermarket
IndoCraft 13 (17/10/2018 22:40)
Disini lengkap dimulai dari kosmetik mainan etc.
Yessinta Yulianti (03/09/2018 00:44)
Good market store
Tahlia Aninda (20/07/2018 12:18)
nice place, i like it π
novi hastarini (23/06/2018 16:38)
I don't like the service.. the cashier always give candy as the balance payment. Hate that very much.
rina puspitasari (30/05/2018 10:28)
Barangnya murah2, ada tempat bermain anak2 jg. Parkir motor gampang. Parkir mobil yg kurang luas.
putri yuliana (10/05/2018 05:56)
Semua ad.... Murah... Yg bkin males antriannya.... Tapi balik ke situ lagi karna murah sih....
yaswinda Bestari (05/05/2018 12:12)
Good place for shopping
Yohanes Jumadi (15/03/2018 14:08)
Still the favourites place to shop...
Vegy Luthfian (17/02/2018 08:55)
first supermarket at sragen
Fitroh Rahma (30/10/2017 04:54)
low price, and love Miayam in front of luwes
Fajar Wahono (20/05/2017 07:56)
Well, it could be the best place to find cheapest groceries. If only it weren't too crowded
syarif uddin (19/10/2017 05:13)
Happy shopping
Saiful Arifin Wahyu Wibowo (08/09/2017 05:25)
Nice place
IHWAN PRADIPTA (06/07/2017 09:46)
Cheaper price than the other
Herrie Schupriyantho (06/06/2017 07:32)
small place
Yuli Wulan (22/05/2017 16:37)
You can buy daily products here with cheap price...but too crowded sometimes especially in the beginning of month..
iimz tyah (18/04/2017 05:54)
Dengan tempat yg strategis pinggir jalan raya orng2 akan mudah menemukan tempat iniπππ
Cahya Nugraha (14/04/2017 06:47)
Harga murah2. Produk sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat Sragen. Mungkin parkiran bisa lebih nyaman
Syarif Ghofur (05/02/2017 13:14)
Tempat belanja dekat pusat kota Sragen, Jawa Tengah, dan tersedia tempat main game untuk anak-anak
Helmi Naim (01/01/2017 18:03)
Harga barang terjangkau, namun Menurut saya pelayananya masih kurang dan perlunya evaluasi, masih sering mendapati karyawan yg duduk bersantai dan bergerombol,
Choiry PrimA (04/12/2016 19:11)
Gon dolan
Abu Kanaiya (17/11/2016 22:58)
Lumayan banget... Salah satu tempat belanja dan bermain untuk anak2 yang ramai... ( soale g enek liyane) π
Andre Christanto (01/07/2016 23:01)
Uncomfortable mall
Imam Morati (27/11/2016 23:27)
Tempat asik utk berbelanja murah dan nyaman
muhammad Iqbal Basagili (05/08/2016 08:30)
Harga murah tp antri kasirnya luar biasa mengular. Dr 10 kassa, cm 4 yg buka
Jajoen Pratomo (30/07/2016 01:15)
murah banget
Danna Suandana (12/07/2016 13:06)
Parkiran panas
Jeng Nda (08/06/2016 15:31)
Harganya emang luwes bgt... Bnr2 murah.... Tp walo murah antri kasir sejam mending cari yg mahalan dikit transaksi cm 5menit. Kasir sgitu banyak yg buka cm 3? 4? Yg lain pajangan doank. Nggu konsumen biar baris ky kereta, baru dehh dibuka 5, 6, 7, 8.