Komentar :
Gusti Ayu Sari Dwi Sarworini (15/05/2018 07:10)
Cause its memorable place. That where take my high school graduation. But actually many formal activities, such as wedding, graduation, reunion, and ect. Have been done there. That is luxurious place.
Luqman Fahd Muktiwibowo (29/04/2018 03:14)
The place is not really big compared to the other similar building in some cities. But, it is very clean and comfortable. This building is often used as venue for wedding ceremony. If you can manage the space, you will not feel the tiny size of the building.
Phiedz Ssi Haphiedz (05/04/2018 05:15)
Tempat Luas, Megah, tmpat parkir pun juga luass...
(the place that i've been here on my marriage)
Sola Sacra (25/03/2018 15:59)
This place accommodate wedding party with an inexpensive price. Also we can have a package consists of catering and rental place. There's wide car park too.
Nurhayati Hajar (21/03/2018 04:28)
Quite good but the parking area is cramped and public trans access to there are limited. The streets are narrow but not to far for main city and airport.
Dina Angel (17/02/2018 07:34)
Recommended place for wedding reception. Comfortable make up rooms. Big space for parking. Very accessible.
Muhammad Aldhiansyah (27/12/2017 01:49)
great place for your wedding party if you invited thousand of guests. they offered with a complete package of catering, decoration until documentation with various of the price. decent parking area, but easy to reach with taxi from any place in solo
DCWORKS (07/11/2017 00:16)
Hari Rabu 8 November 2017, pernikahan putri Presiden Jokowi yaitu Kahiyang Ayu dengan Bobby akan dilangsungkan di lokasi ini.
Jo Rahael (23/09/2017 04:17)
Spacy place for a big occasion...and good served food
dwi audit (21/09/2017 11:41)
Good building for held an event,, but not for the access, because near to traffic light, and must be jam
david reyza (19/09/2017 10:26)
Comingsoon... Kaesang wedding
Elia Timbang (08/08/2017 00:22)
Our wedding ceremony on here.
Oci Hendra Satria (25/07/2017 02:25)
The biggest hall in Solo. Owned by The President of Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo
Elyas Djoko Sembodo (09/06/2017 06:36)
Its a great place
luckboyba99my (07/06/2017 11:14)
Big hall in Gadjah mada university Yogjakarta. Easy to access and you can found small forest with a lot of spacies of birth
Peter Johannes (27/05/2017 23:48)
Good place for meeting, wedding, etc
Ardita Kurnia (04/05/2017 08:52)
Strategic, good place to held a wedding ceremony
Pepino d'DaddyCool (18/04/2017 21:10)
All facilities for party provided
Lucia Ema (11/04/2017 08:49)
Its for wedding reception, owned by our president Joko Widodo. Huge place for up to 2.000 guests with classic Javanese architecture
Dj Assassind (30/03/2017 00:25)
Wonderful building
kirana tantri (13/03/2017 00:13)
Largest capacity in town, well managed
Aris Saptono (13/02/2017 21:22)
Luas untuk resepsi
Ida Nada (16/01/2017 14:33)
Recommended building party, wide, big, best services
Muhammad Imron Praza Mulyadana (06/01/2017 15:52)
Gedung yg bagus untuk melaksanakan acara seperti pernikahan
joko lasono (08/12/2016 06:39)
Large convention hall
Asep Photografy (26/10/2016 16:07)
Keren gedungnya kapan aq bisa memotret resepsi di sini..
Brendy Tirta (14/09/2016 11:47)
Nice place to wedding
Kaze Maru (08/07/2016 03:43)
Lumayan bagus
brayen valent (08/06/2016 10:17)
Banyak acara sering diadakan di sini :)