Komentar :
Dian Saputra (06/02/2018 16:45)
Nice place for yourdrinkcoffee
AGUS SISWANTO (05/02/2018 13:29)
Best coffee to try it.I love it.
Andika Hermawan (06/01/2018 06:55)
Warung kopi bernuansa rumahan. Menempati bagian selasar depan rumah. Menyediakan kopi single origin. Ada beberapa coffee bean yang bisa dipilih untuk dinikmati. Kekurangan tempat ini adl belum ada plang papan nama yang jelas, sehingga kadang orang ragu dan sungkan untuk ke sana. Overall kopinya enak, owner dan baristanya ramah, harga terjangkau di kantong
Dewati Puspitasari (02/12/2017 06:30)
Nice place
Januar Adnan Murwalistyo (15/09/2017 17:51)
Love the filtered coffee here. Appreciate with the seasonal beans that offered here, I tried Gayo Full Wash and Lawu Natural. The Gayo renowned for it's balance, and yes, my cup is balanced. Enjoyed every sip of cup. The Second one is perfectly brewed despite my preference to not drink Dry Processed Indonesia Coffee. Overall, I am in love with the concept, very homey (Sssttt, just between us, it's more homey and more coffee-ish than neighborhood coffee shop that called 'Home of Coffee'/'Coffee Home'). First list coffee shop when I came to Sragen.
Yuliarta Dewangga (30/09/2017 11:05)
Buat yang nyari single origin