Komentar :
diar herawati (08/05/2018 03:53)
Not recommend
Banoe Wijaya (01/05/2018 11:27)
Masakannya enak, mungkin per porsi lumayan banyak,jadi kalo makan sama banyak orang bisa lebih murah.
Estehnya juga bebas nambah bosku..
Hardian Tri Hartanto (18/04/2018 15:18)
Enak.. namanya juga dcost hehe udh sering makan dcost emang enak..
Tapi di sini ga terlalu rame.., nyaman buat makan bareng abis pulang dr Gereja
David Harendza (02/11/2017 15:28)
Standard D’cost restaurant, not crowded like most of them. Great atmosphere, lots of parking spaces, the staffs service were fast and friendly. Avoid evening rush hour, the traffic in the front of the restaurant is so bad.
Parking only cost Rp 3000 flat.
Fauziyyah Haqqi (26/10/2017 09:47)
great atmo