Komentar :
Iwan (03/04/2018 16:41)
Nice cafe in sragen
hidayat nasrul (18/03/2018 13:57)
Place good laa... saya from malaysia. Sebab ada massa nak rehat that's cofe is good and recommended place to chit chat.
Adhi Ksatria (23/11/2017 03:08)
Cozy place with lovely ambience. Good taste of food with great price.
Dewa peNata Tingkat I (30/10/2017 07:52)
Best caffe in sragen
Muna Sidigva (04/08/2017 09:40)
Some of the drinks here are too sweet for me and some others. Less fast service and some menus are often unavailable. But the arrangement of space in this place is very good
Elyas Nur Kholik (22/07/2017 16:13)
Nothing special.. :)
Tesalonika Broery Agustin (07/07/2017 07:13)
Looking good, but the services aren't good
Nazala Quddus (02/07/2017 12:58)
Pelayanan yg sangat buruk, pesan kopi 1jam gak jadi, bareng ditanyain sama pelayanya, eh kopi dingin yg dikasih.
Beda banget sama cofeshoop laen
Rahmat Syawaludin (28/06/2017 14:12)
this is the best cafe in sragen!!
robert pramono (17/04/2017 13:46)
it's worth for all pleasure, with family or alone
Wira Sanjaya (01/04/2017 14:33)
Yang dipesen kadang sdh habis ,gak dikomfirmasi diawal pesen,penyajian terlalu lama,meja kotor ato bekas pake gak segera dibersihkan,terkesan kita datang ke tempat kotoran padahal karyawan banyak
Hendri Mande (21/03/2017 09:59)
Nice place & Concept, homy hangout place
Sri Mardiyani (19/03/2017 06:26)
Suasana nyaman..santai...tempat bermain anak ada...so anak anak berlama2 tdk masalah...apalagi makanannya YUMMY.. kopinya itu TOP MARKOTOP deh...live musicnya...ng kalah sama pertunjukan artis2 yg ngetop....pokoknya MAK NYOOOSSSSS!!!! Sekali dtng kesana pengen kesana lagi deeeehhhhhh