Komentar :
Vanessa Kusuma (10/06/2018 06:59)
Kalau cari makanan yg ga umum, harus kesini
iwan sarjono (23/04/2018 15:06)
Reasonable price, various, most especially items
Kristina Thalia (03/03/2018 16:51)
Memek Soeroto (31/01/2018 05:31)
Small grocery store, good for its varieties of dried snacks
Shabrina an andzhani (26/12/2017 13:29)
It's a cheap and quite complete supermarket
Azmi Hidayat (08/12/2017 13:10)
A little cheaper than popular grocery store
Dian Rosalina Kartika (07/09/2017 14:47)
I love to spend the time just to stroll around the imported snacks section
titik wijaya (06/10/2017 01:01)
Atria walaupum terhitung swalayan yg udah lama/tua tapiii produk2nya mengikuti perkembangan.. Ada banyak produk2 import disana.. Mulai dari coklat, muesli, snack2 dan minuman2 import.. Untuk harga masih lebih murah dibanding supermarket2 yg lain. Tempat nyaman, bersih, ber ac, karyawan ramah2.
Patricia Yunita (27/08/2017 14:03)
Completed store
Herrie Schupriyantho (11/07/2017 00:06)
Low price here
great happy (05/07/2017 03:56)
Swalayan yang Solo Banget.. Pelayannya ramah.. Bersih.. Nggak ribet.. Barangnya unik nggak seperti swalayan umumnya.. Parkir nyaman..