Komentar :
Ernst Siregar (24/05/2018 12:03)
An old hotel but refreshed...hv a swimming pool...good place for rest or transit in Sorong
thewa sitepu (22/05/2018 06:12)
This hotel is old. For this rate, better off with another hotel.
Kresno Soetomo (14/02/2018 09:59)
Simple hotel, but everything fine.
Old hotel, but you can still can fine good food for lunch and dinner.
mirwan syarif (26/12/2017 01:20)
If only you are tired, this hotel will be so representatif 😂
mh lee (22/12/2017 10:33)
Basic hotel. Best thing is that rhere is 2 department store beside
Stefani Kwan (22/12/2017 09:58)
Best hotel stay - every staff member did their best and more to make my stay as comfortable as possible
Sitti Nadiah (14/07/2017 06:20)
This place made me remember about OSP 2017
Fajar Siyamto (22/10/2017 12:24)
Im interested
Nixon Wakolle (10/09/2017 14:02)
The best hotel ever had
Heru Prastiyo (26/07/2017 08:04)
Agustinus Prabowo (20/07/2017 02:15)
The old hotel in the down town of Sorong
Nurdiana Rahman (13/07/2017 22:07)
Kamal Ladija Girsang (19/11/2016 15:19)
Bcoz just okay
nassh muchtar (07/08/2016 01:20)
good city view
ericson Tabuyan (02/08/2016 22:38)
Room was almost ok but...
Unable to use internet in the room.
Internet wifi only available at lobby
Shower water very weak and only hot water comes out.if you turn the knob to cold it will just stop the water.
acu sogi (20/07/2016 04:07)
iis riupassa (24/06/2016 16:25)
Giswa Satia Wibowo (13/11/2016 05:57)
Hotelnya bagus,kamarnya luas, kamar mandi luas, sarapan banyak pilihan, cuman butuh sedikit dekorasi agar tidak kelihatan usang hotelnya
Mursito Zain (13/08/2016 01:24)
Magda Lena (06/06/2016 12:04)
Tempatnya strategis dekat bandara. Sebelah kiri ada Ramayana dept store yg didalamnya ada Solaria & Es Teler 77. Sebelah kanan ada Yohan market, depannya ada RS & Asrama Angkatan Laut. Dekat dengan ATM center. Kamanya ok krna sudah banyak mengalami renovasi. Intinya saya merasa puas selama 5 hari 4 malam menginap ( 4 - 8 Juni 2016 ).