Komentar :
Arina Rakhmawati (14/03/2018 23:02)
Koleksi lengkap, kalau mau dapet tempat yang nyaman+deket colokan, mending dateng lebih pagi. Toilet dan mushola bersih. Mushola ada di lantai 1.
Simon Liem (06/10/2017 09:28)
Luas, bersih dan koleksinya lengkap. Hanya sayang kantin di lantai dua sudah tidak ada lagi. Sekarang jam buka sudah sampai malam. Tempat yang ideal untuk belajar dengan tenang dan nyaman.
Hayyu Lathief (08/08/2017 08:50)
Quiet place, good for self study and doing tasks
Riyad Filza (14/07/2017 06:02)
Located just few walks from the hospital.
Waqqas Hanafi (26/11/2015 02:20)
A small, uncomfortable library made with no acoustic noise consideration (they should have used carpeting to absorb sounds). There aren't many comfortable chairs or much privacy to study. The Wifi and even cell signal is terrible. One good thing: they have a number of books. A security guard in the front ensures you dont take your bag in. Instead you have to carry your belongings in your hands.