Komentar :
Heru Supriyanto (01/05/2018 07:51)
Khoirul Muhajir (13/04/2018 09:06)
Lumayan lengkap,harga bersaing,hanya kurang nyaman Karena panas
Martyana Afifah (14/03/2018 10:05)
Lengkap, komplit, murah!
ADI SETIAWAN (25/02/2018 16:32)
Google map emang sangat membantu sy dalam perjalanan sehingga tidak nyasar lagi, trims google map
Bimo Winardianto (10/11/2017 08:41)
Tampilan perlu dibersihkan agar terlihat lebih segar
abdurrobbi maghzaya (29/10/2017 21:33)
Cheap price...but the place is too dark...need more light
Lucia Renata (11/10/2017 04:15)
Sempit. Barang2 tll full,jadi pengunjung tll berdesak2an.
Panuwun Budi Raharjo (02/09/2017 14:40)
Need bigger place.... To many goods for small area....
Yogi Priyo Prayogo (14/04/2017 04:13)
They provide wide array of goods, households items, cooking ingredients and all at reasonable price.
jatmiko budiadi (22/09/2016 13:50)
Good and completely super market, good serve and easily to find your needs, all vehicle acces
Andree Fadal (31/08/2017 05:38)
Menyediakan berbagai macam kebutuhan
arief hendri (31/07/2017 13:43)
murah, lengkap
rohmad sidiq (12/05/2017 23:28)
Kurang luas dan karyawane krg smart..
Risang Aradea (06/01/2017 09:39)
Tempat agak kumuh dan berantakan. Bbrp kali nemu makanan kadaluarsa