Komentar :
Aryasakti (06/05/2018 05:03)
10/10 rich TASTE chilli
10/10 ice tea
Good burg available
Frederica Cynthia (02/05/2018 02:26)
Menunya sangat lengkap, ada ayam bakar, sosis, burger, spagetti, berbagai macam steak, kentang goreng, tela goreng, tempe bakar, tahu bakar dsb. Sedangkan untuk minumannya juga ada milkshake, es teh, es jeruk, air mineral, es coklat, susu dsb. Tempatnya cukup luas, ada di pojokan Jati Kencana, sebelah utara Superindo. Sayangnya parkir untuk mobil cukup terbatas dan sirkulasi di kamar mandi kurang baik jadi KM agak bau.
ali1972ax saja (31/01/2018 19:21)
Try their special menu : Big Burger ( with onion crispy ), wow awesome : the best burger with it's cheap price !! Funny they sell Roasted / barbeque chicken too... ? but really delicious !! n cheap price too
Abdul Alief (17/10/2017 05:43)
Visit for quick bite to my children, price ok, taste good, children love it.
bagus sugito (11/10/2017 03:58)
Good food, good price, quite good vietnam drip coffee.