Komentar :
teguh wiyono (12/10/2020 08:28)
Tidak ada spd dibawah 3 juta
yogi yogik (18/08/2020 05:54)
who need a foam bike docked ..
the price is relatively cheap and complete ..
Wei Ghang (01/08/2019 17:35)
Many choices of bicycles and bicycle's parts provided here, also the price can be considered cheap when compared to other bicycles shop.
hans xiao (01/08/2019 09:47)
Harga terjangkau
Farid Bamok (18/06/2019 06:36)
Toko sepeda yang paling lengkap. Di Situbondo .. karyawan cakep " ????????????????
Budi Prakoso (15/01/2019 02:36)
Salah satu toko sepeda terlengkap di kota situbondo
yves frombelgium (08/01/2018 08:58)
Fully stocked, good choice of bicycles and parts, however minimal aftersales service, and no price tags on the merchandise, very inconvenient
bintang prakoso (30/01/2018 05:26)
Banyak pilihan sepeda gunung, sepeda anak anak, sepeda BMX, City Bike,
Merk United, Wim Cycle, Pacific, Polygon, dll
Aksesoris dan perlengkapan sepeda juga lumayan lengkap, harga terjangkau