Komentar :
Lia Rosdian (03/04/2018 22:31)
bahtiar bhaskara (06/03/2018 09:54)
Prihastomo Triaji (01/03/2018 05:32)
so dirty and so creepy for new people
Muhammad Fahri Priambudi (04/02/2018 22:42)
Terminal Situbondo is main bus station in the town. Need a lot of improvement and better management. Mainly there are three destinations served from this station, first is going westward to Surabaya, provincial capital. Second is going eastward to Banyuwangi, main port city to Bali island, and third is going southward to Jember, where nearest public university is located.
Rizky Fahmi (14/01/2018 06:40)
Look better than 5 years ago. But need more road maintenance.
yves frombelgium (21/12/2016 19:28)
Small local bus station with plenty of beggars and touts, the listed time schedule doesn't correspond to reality, i waited forever for the listed direct denpasar bus, in vain...
Nurul Miela (13/11/2017 03:12)
Masih ada makelar
Fajar Nur (25/10/2017 11:03)
Walaupun kota kecil
Buka 24 jam
Selalu ramai walau malam hari
InsyaAllah aman..
Wahyu Rhidyananda (07/07/2017 03:48)
Kebersihannya kurang. Mhn ditingkatkan lagi. Mengingat ini adalah salah satu akses utama jalan pantura
Praptining Rahayu (23/06/2017 10:47)
Dari sejak dulu tidak ada perubahan,bis jurusan Banyuwangi lama sekali,mungkin sudah saatnya Situbondo memiliki jalur kereta dan stasiun yg dikelola dengan baik seperti kota kota lain di Jawa timur
Toni Wahyudi (04/06/2017 00:34)
Bad smell crowded
Tgk Basri (23/04/2017 18:05)
Lumayan bagus
Dian Iskandar (27/01/2017 14:02)
arif rochman (15/11/2016 04:39)
Banyak pengamennya