Komentar :
D D (02/02/2020 14:44)
Need refurbishment, old inns
Frank Firuz (10/05/2019 07:04)
No maintenance done to the rooms and bathroom but very expensive. Not recommended
Kristanto Anggoro (29/11/2018 14:42)
Nice place to vacation
Moch. Agung Prayogo (28/08/2018 07:07)
Its so feel good place
Odette Krist (09/04/2018 00:18)
Beautiful location and outside. But from the inside it's falling apart. We couldn't use the shower. Good restaurant near hotel. Nice to rent a boat to go to the reef.
Sigit Haryo (09/06/2018 12:56)
Nice Place
Ny MQ Yeni (13/05/2018 00:39)
Nice place
masterstokist MSI Glenmore (13/05/2018 00:39)
Nice place
Figy Julio (02/05/2018 07:43)
Feri Dwi Nurdianawati (06/04/2018 03:11)
Saya dapatnya PAPPIN INN HOTEL kamarnya pun dapat yg membelakangi pantai (so sad)
Tapi lumayan lha,
hengkirumere dasuha (31/05/2017 07:35)
no yes
dedi schatzi (01/12/2016 08:49)
Jhon Lee (31/03/2014 17:32)
Badrus Soleh (18/11/2017 14:57)
Kesal waktu istirahat terganggu karna kunci kamar trouble,,
Ahmad Sadri (25/07/2017 13:40)
Puspita Anggraeni (27/04/2017 06:03)
Fasilitas lainnya kurang memadai
Muhammad Choiri (04/03/2017 04:29)
Dekat pantai pasir putih
hadi suprapto (26/07/2016 18:45)
Ada room AA yang cukup untuk keluarga besar (6 orang)
HM Nursalim (23/02/2016 22:46)
Leny Dwi (25/02/2016 06:38)
Brp ya per nights.thanks
ri_ rizui (21/10/2014 06:06)
Nomor telp hotelnya brp ya...truz dari wisma bhayangkara apa jauh .mohon info..
Dani Pedro (16/09/2014 11:20)
Klo bawah pacar bisa gak ngenep???