Komentar :
Rifki Maulana (15/04/2018 17:23)
Nuansa nya bikin betah
Apotek Keluarga Sehat (14/04/2018 07:14)
Seeeeeeep mantaaaaaasp
Fitria Ningrum (06/01/2018 01:31)
Recomended villas...next mo coba villa yg private pool
Agus Susilo (26/12/2017 00:57)
Nice place,,, tenang dan nyaman!!! 😂
Karina Arti Endaryani (25/12/2017 11:03)
I stayed for 5 nights in villa suite, a 2 bedroom villa with joglo in between. Both rooms have spacious bathrooms. Conditions were actually okay, but a better maintenance and housekeeping will be appreciated. Laundry service is excellent and fairly priced. But refrain from ordering a room service from the restaurant. I was charged 438,000 for 5 glasses of hot tea and snacks (2 small portion of french fries, 2 pieces of spring rolls and a plate of fried banana)