Komentar :
andreas hany witjaksono (25/08/2017 12:43)
Culture and specific art that representing of Banyuwangi
Banismaulana Maulana (20/08/2017 04:30)
Good place to take a picture and rest
SwaShil Kar (04/08/2017 14:32)
Good place to watch sunrise
Hutahaean Ray (04/08/2017 14:13)
Just a statue in front of the famous stone.
Sunrise view from this spot is great
Suryo Widarto (27/07/2017 09:29)
Good place to watch sunrise over the horizon
Yessi Veronica329 (24/06/2017 03:36)
Love this time and moment here
Swagatika Sk (04/08/2017 14:32)
Good place to watch sunrise
yudhie ndii (21/06/2017 05:30)
Nice views
Setyo prayogo (02/04/2017 06:16)
Asyek ae hawane
Sasmudi blora (13/01/2017 17:41)
Icon BWI
Umega Sanjaya (09/01/2017 09:26)
kangen kesini lagi
pendi hadi (30/12/2016 08:14)
I love banyuwangi
Ardi Jeans (17/07/2016 14:13)
Noto Budi Wicaksono (14/06/2016 08:13)
Wednesday 8 June 2016 16:00 Bali Strait viewed from Patung Gandrung Monument
Golobok go (26/08/2016 17:53)
Patung Gandrung menyapa bagi setiap pengendara kendaraan bermotor yang melintasi jalur utara. Disana juga ada pantai serta warung-warung sebagai tempat istirahat dan berwisata :)
Agung Nursabil (22/08/2016 07:39)
Sering dikunjungi wisatawan untuk sekedar foto-foto disekitar patung gandrung, pemandangang yang indah nuansa laut nan luas sejauh mata memandang. Patung gandrung kental akan kebudayaan Banyuwangi.
Micky Kie (19/08/2016 07:35)
Lautnya biruuuuu, tapi anginnya kencang hati2 yg pakai topi
Chici Tamara (27/07/2016 07:38)
Cocok buat nyantai