Komentar :
Dinas P3A Kabupaten Situbondo (23/12/2017 08:06)
Sukses selalu untuk Forum Anak Situbondo! Bersama kita wujudkan Situbondo Menuju Kabupaten Layak Anak!
Sosbud Bappeda Situbondo (23/12/2017 07:31)
Semangat dan sukses selalu untuk Forum Anak Situbondo. Bravo Situbondo Menuju KLA !
Muhammad Fahri Priambudi (04/12/2017 11:53)
Forum Anak (Children Forum) is the nationwide participation medium for the children to express their opinions and involve them in decision-making process. Children Forum is the implementation of Indonesian ratification of United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC) in 1990. On regency level, Children Forum is subordinate of ChFour main rights of children, are right of survival and development, protection, and participation. Children Forum meant to be group for all child, regardless of their backgrounds or social status. In this forum we share and we care, to develop ourself to be future leader of Indonesia.