Komentar :
Syaugi Hudan (28/09/2019 14:17)
Jack Kriwul (13/09/2019 13:41)
Place for food
Okta Andi (30/05/2019 13:16)
Tender fried duck breast but not so tasty tho
MercyPlease yt (09/11/2018 01:27)
Good place to eat
Muhammad Fahri Priambudi (11/01/2018 23:27)
Local restaurant with specialty in fried or grilled duck. With their hidden recipes, they able to achieve enough tenderness of duck's meat and there's no trace of unique smell of duck itself. Besides duck, they offer fried or grilled chicken and catfish. Owned by a happy couples, they also have one branch at Kapongan. They have enough lesehan seats for 26 persons and about 40 for persons sitting on the chair.
Aldhilah Ilham (09/11/2018 01:27)
Good place to eat
Dwi Ariyanto (13/04/2018 09:08)
Lumayan strategis, barat jaln sucipto, dari Alun-alun kota Situbondo kearah utara 5 menit, bisa naik Grab lebih nyaman
Tiara Hermy (11/08/2017 08:19)
Great place and nice menu
ida susanti (10/06/2017 04:44)
nice place,nice menu
Zheach (17/01/2017 09:14)
Vina Tryphena (04/11/2017 04:44)
Tempat lumayan yg sya coba menu ayam gorengnya karna saya gak suka bebek.rasanya seperti ayam goreng pada umumnya.tempat gak terlalu rame biasa aja.
Bima Erza Zakaria (01/11/2017 04:33)
Restoran Bebek yang recommended di Situbondo
Echi Nurul Amalia (25/07/2017 13:40)
Mantappp bebekx😍😘😋😝😜😛
sMa vin (08/07/2017 12:52)
Menunya enak enak
Taufik Nurakhman (02/07/2017 13:08)
Bebeknya mantap...
Wibisono (06/05/2017 13:16)
Muanntapppzz...sambelnya ada 2 pilihan..sama2 pedasss
Wahyu Nusamba (26/02/2017 00:17)
Lumayan enak
Cyril Adib (12/02/2017 06:41)
Bebek Goreng yang lezat, empuk, serta harga yang murah. Mantab
Nur Fadilah (04/02/2017 00:53)
Masukannya enak... Sesuai selera...
Rizah Fahtur Rahman Makki (17/01/2017 09:14)
Maha Rani (26/12/2016 08:53)
Enak mantap
Buharianto harno (29/08/2016 07:02)
Kurang adem kalo siang
Arif Saiful (02/08/2016 06:17)
rekomended buat yang suka bebek
Yudas Javasea (23/07/2016 15:31)
Karena makananya enak
Hendriek Safaat (29/06/2016 00:59)
plang di pinggir jalan mohon di beri pas masuk gang
NUR HIDAYAT (26/04/2016 15:58)
bebek locot benar benar locot