Komentar :
Yanri Tambunan (16/05/2018 17:35)
Semakin lama semakin tipis Stok barang nya. Harga diatas Rata2.
Jenni Tifani (19/04/2018 14:23)
Tempat belanja hemat buat anak kos di sekitaran usu
Morten Nicko (12/04/2018 21:44)
If you want to get your daily needs without cost you arm and leg, then this store will be perfect. About it's visual, not a fan.
michael jadiaman (08/04/2018 04:32)
Andriy Murhastomo (30/03/2018 09:30)
Margareta Harianja (24/09/2017 03:44)
Its just a mini market. Nothing special
Marthin Marbun (28/06/2017 12:03)
Provides all variations of daily stuff, prize is moderate.
Hamonangan Sinaga (30/09/2017 14:27)
Apriwansen Sinaga (30/06/2017 11:13)
The supermarket items are many and complete for daily needs