Komentar :
Benzema Benjiplppp (16/01/2018 03:01)
My lovely house area at this place
Evalina Dewiyanti (28/10/2017 11:51)
I live here. To be specific in Tahap IV. Love the view, the air is clean since it's very close to the mountain. But the roads are still pretty much rough, a sandy dirt road, not yet paved. The water source is from local water company which is alternatingly with the housing in Tahap III, it runs very swiftly though. There is no place to patch the tire in the nearest area, if you happened to have flat tire you'd have to walk 2 km toward Munif Rahman St. Sometimes you can find Biawak on the road. Itu gets very hot and scorching in the daytime coz trees are rarely to find.
Endro Sulistiyono (27/10/2017 17:06)
Khalifaperdamy Hidayat (16/06/2017 13:49)
heR (10/04/2017 01:47)
I stay here
zul sombo (22/10/2017 12:31)
cepat dan mudah
Arcanabrama Yudahatta (31/07/2017 14:13)
Zain Aja Saja (30/05/2017 23:46)
Hery Mulyanto (18/03/2017 17:09)
Tempat yg nyaman yg pernah Sy tinggali
Steven Mamarimbing (27/02/2017 15:18)
Indahnya pandangan kota palu
ryan harazuku style (22/12/2016 02:31)
Ophie Win (21/12/2016 23:57)
Salah satu perumahan yang ada d daerah ketinggian d kota palu dan dekat dgn wisata pantai
Rukiyah Rahman (18/08/2016 13:09)
Rumahku sorgaku