Komentar :
Detisa Irandani (13/05/2018 05:38)
I have to be honest.
The worst experience.
My sister was treated here because of her sciatic neuritis, but the given service was very poorly done.
I don't have high expectations in general but in this case I'm extremely disappointed.
My brother in law was asking whether the room has been cleaned or not, and they said yes. Turns out it's not have been cleaned thoroughly. There's a ball of hair and used tissues under the patient bed.
Filed a complaint but they just said "ahh sorry" and did nothing until the next day.
And then the patient bed can't be adjusted, I personally asked the nurses on how to do it because the remote control to lift some part of the bed didn't work, and they didn't do anything about it until I talk to them for the second time. (My sister has sciatic neuritis, her back was extremely hurt and the bed need to be re-adjusted every here and there).
After she was discharged and we come back to get all the document like lab results and ct scan results, we were balled to every corner of the hospital. The office told me the document wasn't with them, and I need to go to the cashier to get the document, then the cashier told me the exact same thing and told me to go to the filing room, and after I got into the filing room, they told me the document was back at the office.
I was mad, but I kept my calm until I got back down ready to get back home then one of the nurses ask my sick sister and me if we could copy one of the document for the hospital.
I'm not doing it. It should've been their job to make sure every document is complete and copied for their own need.
I am extremely disappointed.
From that point on, I'm commited to never go back to this hospital ever again.
My sister was a class one patient. We paid for it.
This isn't my first time either with this hospital, that's why I trusted them in the first place. It was all fine before my sister's case.
Ps: Improve your services, or you'd surely be losing more customer.
Poppy Ashya (04/05/2018 16:25)
Ini Rumah Sakit swasta, yang pelayanannya menurut saya nomor 1 di kota palu. Perawatnya ramah dan sangat memperhatikan pasien (menurut saya berbeda sekali dengan perawat di RS lainnya yang terkenal galak dan cuek). Terakhir saya kemari kemarin mencari dokter ahli urologi dan sayangnya blm ada di RS BK. Dulu saya pernah masuk UGD, tetapi ngga bisa dirawat inap karena kamar penuh semua. Kamar kelas satunya menurut saya nyaman walaupun kecil (ACnya nyala, TV nyala, ada kulkas kecil, dispenser air panas, kamar mandi bersih dan cukup nyaman untuk pasien dan penjaga pasien. Disini diberlakukan jam berkunjung. RS BK juga melayani BPJS. Recomended buat yang ingin dirawat dengan nyaman.
Bawang Palu CALL/WA: 082-293-237-670 (04/04/2018 17:07)
tempat rekomended
Sari Tambun (18/02/2018 05:32)
Jam dokternya tdk sesuai as scheduled. But unbelievable, they have respiratory doctor. The first respiratory specialist in town. ( sp P - spesialis Paru)
andreas tarigan (08/12/2017 00:16)
public health service with nice services
Beni Moniung (09/12/2016 02:03)
One of the best hospital in Palu
Ronny Cool (24/09/2016 14:34)
One of the recommended private hospital in Palu
Felicia Elisabeth (19/11/2017 06:37)
Ruangan nya bersih, pelayanan suster ma catering juga ramah, terus tingkat kan pelayanan nya
Mochamad Yudhi (30/06/2017 08:28)
Layanannya bagus, susternya cekatan dan selalu responsif mendengar keluhan pasien walaupun sy menggunakan BPJS...
Okstianto Lago (13/01/2017 12:11)
Karna rumah sakit bala keselamatan palu memiliki pelayanan yg sangat baik, ramah.
Darmawan Syahbuana (04/01/2017 07:46)
Salah satu RS Terbaik di Kota Palu
Afdal Tahir (15/09/2016 01:17)
Terus tingkatkan pelayanan dan fasilitasnya, bagus.
Intan Nuraini (13/05/2016 12:15)
Proses Penyembuhan
ijhal s (21/03/2016 00:18)
Rumah sakit yang bersih
Mauren chesaria (28/06/2015 03:17)
pelayanan dari dokter dan perawat yang sangat memuaskan
Agus Daryono (15/03/2015 10:21)
Tempat ini, dekat dengan my-home :)
dona glori brigitha (03/01/2014 04:38)
Teada yg dicri