Komentar :
id tomo (12/04/2018 12:22)
Masakan khas makasar
Andreas Zh (08/02/2018 16:03)
Cynara's fried rice is the best in Palu
andreas tarigan (21/07/2017 08:37)
My favorite one Chinese food. The owner so friendly, all menu recommended for you
Justine Mae (15/07/2017 08:28)
The owner is so friendly, You should try the fried meatballs and nasi goreng yanco...
Ronny Cool (20/09/2016 14:19)
Selling Chinese food. I tries the Cap Cay, Fuyung Hai, Mie Garing, Bakso Goreng, all of this are delicious. Recommended place
Fabian Walesy (01/09/2015 08:47)
This place provides authentic makassar Chinese food, especially fried rice and fried noodles with great taste and large portions
matius cahyadi (29/03/2017 02:05)
Bakwan goreng enak. Sayang waktu kesana dia cuman terima bungkus, pas besoknya hari nyepi pegawainya banyak yg libur.
Randy Thamrin (11/03/2017 02:16)
I made in 2 language services.
I ate here twice, this is Chinese food restaurant. If you starving and you looking for a big portion for your food, I recommend this place. The place is quite enough. their pantry is opened, you can look the chef while cooking your food.
Saya pernah makan di tempat ini 2 kali. Ini adalah restaurant China. Jika kalian sangat lapar dan mencari porsi yang besar, saya me rekomendasi kan tempat ini. Tempatnya cukup sunyi, mereka mempunyai dapur yang terbuka. Jadi jika kalian ingin melihat cara mereka memasak kalian bisa melihatnya.
Mr Hand (12/11/2016 00:43)
Makanannya enak-enak, apalagi ayam goreng "CYNARA"nya uuuuuuueeeeenakkk bingitzzz.👍👍👍🍴🔪
Robert S Widjaja (26/07/2015 07:59)
Come to where the taste is....... Cynara.
Beside the food, the owner is very helpful and damn friendly.
Afrizal Hermanto (15/11/2016 05:20)
emm ennak pake diskon
Richard Cyro Wijaya (26/07/2015 05:04)
Ayam goreng tepungnya MANTAAAP
Henry Ong (26/07/2015 04:57)
Emang enaaaak tenan… .
kayoe mas (26/07/2015 04:05)
Mie kwantongnya enak, kalau lagi rame antrinya lumayan