Komentar :
Dodieks Setiawan (21/10/2020 15:42)
Prices of Chinese export goods are quite complete and hrg affordable
Asy&Key Real&Ra (18/07/2020 02:13)
I gave 4 stars, because I subscribed there ... even my friend recommended it there ... but why I never got a prize ... hahahaha ..
If I have a gift, I will give it a 5.hihihi star ...
Dedy Wijaya (27/03/2020 01:29)
regret shopping here deception .. just test your driver if you don't believe it.
Bathara Mulya (15/02/2020 12:26)
The UMJ store sells all types of outdor equipment and also Unique / Import equipment
Has a good online store Bukalapak, Tokedia, and shopee.
Good stuff, comfortable place.
hadee riduan (25/01/2020 13:38)
Ready asesoris outdoor
dodi wasono (23/08/2018 01:22)
Selain bisa diakses via toko online spt Bukalapak, UMJ jg mudah di akses jika mau beli via outline. Tepatnya di sekitar patung/airancur jalan lingkar barat Sidoarjo/ gading fajar.untuk lebih memudahkan cari barang yg anda inginkan,coba akses dulu Bukalapak unk mengetahui ketersediaan barang dan harga nya
Yusuf Noname (05/08/2018 12:14)
Jual segala macam senter...pelayanan nya ok
Ratrimo (28/07/2018 07:14)
Tempat jual barang unik dan peralatan outdoor, seperti senter, pisau lipat, kompor camping, lampu emergency, dll.. Pokoknya lengkap banget
Ali Baba (14/05/2018 12:34)
sudah pernah order online, iNi nanti Mo coba order langsung offline 🤗 harga murah meriah dan komplit segala peralatan tersedia disini..bikin seger memancing semangat belanja
addin chadiri (08/05/2018 04:11)
Masalah kebersihan barang untuk di perhatikan.
yosy yuliarto (25/04/2018 15:26)
Mau cari senter dan lampu sejenisnya lengkap disini, tapi sayangnya klo order online kurang oke...
Noel Marta (08/03/2018 00:39)
gaoel ps (18/02/2018 05:47)
Sumaryono Erte (04/02/2018 00:21)
Banyak barang unik yg bisa kamu beli
Aziz Caem (20/09/2017 12:10)