Komentar :
Kak Irfan Eko (21/04/2018 03:08)
Kereeeeeen abiiis
Irham Salsabila Alfarisi (25/03/2018 04:23)
Historical place. One of the popular museum in Sidoarjo, East Java. Tourist-friendly, because there some guides for you that will tell you stories about Indonesia's history esp Java! Come here 😊
AGOes Setiawan (18/03/2018 08:12)
Historical things,document,foto,book,transportation,artefak keep save in here for practical study,how they made,build and use
Tegar Andito (22/02/2018 03:54)
Interesting collections of Indonesian history from prehistoric up to early independence. Some are originals some others are replicas. Some of collections that displayed outdoor are without captions. There are some parts of this place is also not well maintained.
When I first come here there are some exhibits that absent from display because they are temporarily exhibited in another place.
Overall, I enjoyed this museum.
noor wahyudi (15/02/2018 08:56)
Good place to learn history of ancient Indonesia. Many sculpture, rocks, other historic things displayed nicely with descriptions
Argya P. Budihandojo (19/08/2017 08:24)
Complete facility and exhibits and informative guide, but very hot inside with no air conditioning. This museum fails to interest the youths. Located near a train station.
yuda van (27/09/2017 09:10)
Blm pernh masuk
Hanny Vidya (29/08/2017 23:55)
Museum nya nyaman, cocok buat anak anak yg ingin mengenal sejarah
Andri Cahya (16/08/2017 08:18)
Museum negeri yang menyimpan berbagai benda purbakala, sejarah, hingga perkembangan teknologi. Merupakan museum pindahan dari Surabaya yang berawal dari koleksi pribadi Tn. von faber. Tempatnya atraktif, komunikatif serta menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan.
Christian Eka (01/08/2017 10:50)
Menambah wawasan
rony irawanto (01/08/2017 09:47)
Large place but not all are etnic museum
Sofiatul jannah (02/07/2017 03:01)
Banyak belajar sejarah baik teknologi dunia pada zaman dahulu, sejarah manusia dan budaya Indonesia. Buka setiap hari. Lesatrikan budaya dan museum 😊😊
Feri Nata (29/06/2017 08:41)
Museum yang kurang terawat. Sayang sekali.
hidayah jamut (05/02/2017 05:39)
Karena bagus sekali