Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Hotel Tilamas

Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
Klasifikasi: Hotel and Villa
Alamat: Jalan Raya Juanda No. 88, Sedati Agung, Sedati, Sedati Agung, Sedati, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 61253, Indonesia
Rating: 3.60
Telp: +62 31 8668800

Komentar :

Kukuh Prahara (01/06/2018 11:58)
Lumayan lah

arnanto nugroho (26/05/2018 15:14)
No komen

antonius thio (13/04/2018 06:08)
Look nice from outside, quiet but no elevator.
Inside the room is very standard transit hotel with low maintenance and not clean.
Breakfast quite standard and limited supply, many times has empty food.
The location is very close with international Surabaya’s airport.

Beny Wiratmaka (05/04/2018 02:25)
Clean room, sufficiently spacious but the breakfast was nothing to write home about

Shashank Bhavaraju (04/12/2017 07:45)
Ordinary 2 star place.

Agus Sihotang (14/09/2017 06:48)
Very close to the airport. Stay here if you want a bargain than the more expensive airport hotel.

吳小弟 (17/05/2017 22:28)
No wifi, breakfast not good, no lift to go to second floor

Adhi Irawan (26/11/2017 23:12)

kondang soetopo (18/08/2017 13:21)
Nice place , right price

Norhana bt Bakhary Ipgkpt (12/05/2017 11:58)
Clean and good service

Kamal Ladija Girsang (11/05/2017 13:30)
A lil' bit over$

Imam Aji (03/05/2017 11:59)
Not bad...good service and humble.. :)

Firdaus Rahmadan (11/02/2017 12:55)
Suasana tenang dan tentram..good place 😉

Kristian Nugroho (19/01/2017 12:42)
clean comfort nice breakfast

dream traveller (19/11/2016 02:35)
If you need a cheap hotel near airport this the option. Just watch out the mosquito

Muhammad Nuraga Lazuardy Ramadhan (22/03/2016 12:26)
Parkiran luas. Bersebelahan dengan pengadilan tipikor. Dekat dengan bandara juanda

Tempat Lainnya :

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  9. Pak Tommy
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    Jl. Letjen Sutoyo No.88, Bungur, Medaeng, Waru, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 812-8175-9910
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