Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda, Terminal 2

Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
Klasifikasi: Terminal Bus, Lain-Lain
Alamat: Kepuh, Betro, Sedati, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61253, Indonesia
Rating: 4.30

Komentar :

Didit SK (26/12/2017 12:30)
Check in counter & waiting room are better than Terminal 1, but just one executive lounge in domestic area.

Argya P. Budihandojo (26/08/2017 12:02)
A place to get on the bus service heading towards the Bungurasih bus terminal or many various destinations. In the bus terminal you can search for connections to other places. A cheaper alternative for transport to the city center or other cities.

Ye Rachma (24/07/2017 04:49)
Underconstruction but still in business

matius indarto (09/07/2017 10:39)
Small, clean and compact
Bunch of merchants from souvenirs, cafes, food court and others

Mas Faatih (01/04/2017 02:32)
Tourist information center

Roman Bellic (26/08/2017 12:02)
A place to get on the bus service heading towards the Bungurasih bus terminal or many various destinations. In the bus terminal you can search for connections to other places. A cheaper alternative for transport to the city center or other cities.

wicaksono agung (03/08/2017 03:19)
Bandara yang sangat lengkap dengan aneka oleh2 dan gerai makanan fastfood.

teo becks (04/06/2017 07:08)
Staff yg sigap membantu lansia dg kursi roda.😊

Bambang Eko (24/04/2017 21:40)
Air Asia Passngr's .. suka T2.. bersih.. modern.. rapi 👌

Nanok Kranggan (28/03/2017 03:59)

Choirul Anwar (19/03/2017 01:55)
Bagus banget bandara nya, maklum standar internasional

Zulka Nasution (14/03/2017 03:55)
Bandara paling simpel. Cepat, antri tidak lama, lounge-nya bisa Telkomsel bisa Garuda. Kedua lounge sangat baik pelayanannya.

Tempat Lainnya :

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    Geluran, Taman, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61257, Indonesia
  2. SDN Geluran, Jl. Raya Geluran
    Geluran, Taman, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61257, Indonesia
  3. Pangkalan Waru, Jl. Letjen Sutoyo
    Krajan Kulon, Waru, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61256, Indonesia
  4. SD Negeri Kedung Rejo I - II, Jl. Raya Waru
    Kedungrejo, Waru, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61256, Indonesia
  5. Wisma Prambanan, Jl. Waru
    Bungur, Medaeng, Waru, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61256, Indonesia
  6. Rayamana, Terminal Purabaya
    Bungurasih, Waru, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61256, Indonesia
  7. Stasiun Waru, Jl. Raya Waru
    Kedungrejo, Waru, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61256, Indonesia
  8. Sedati, Jl. Sedati Agung
    Sedati Agung, Sedati, Dukuh, Sedati Agung, Sedati, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61253, Indonesia
  9. Opposite Stasiun Sawo Tratap, Jl. Raya Aloha
    Dusun Sawo, Sawotratap, Gedangan, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61254, Indonesia
  10. Stasiun Sawo Tratap, Jl. Raya Aloha
    Dusun Pager, Sawotratap, Gedangan, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61254, Indonesia
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