Komentar :
Sesra Risma (20/05/2018 09:50)
This is the best 'Padang Restaurant' in Dumai...
Cant wait to go there again soon
Syahri Mara Bagyo (23/03/2018 06:55)
The beef rendang is very delicious..
Pandu Fajar (14/03/2018 11:41)
quite tasty for padang resto
tebe igoen (12/03/2018 10:32)
all food its ok.... but the toilet is very dirty
Rahmat Fauzi (16/10/2017 05:33)
Nice place and delicous padang food...
Alexander Gabriel (11/10/2017 15:50)
Nice place...good taste..need to be clean on the rest room
Yuric Delon (18/07/2017 11:44)
Love the food here. Ayam gulai(chicken curry), ayam goreng cabe (spicy fried chicken), ayam goreng bumbu (spiced fried chicken), and many more are worth the try.
Meina Teo (21/06/2017 10:41)
The service was good. They have a delicious curry chicken (ayam gulai). Sometimes you just need to wait for a long time.
Black (01/05/2017 13:34)
Good for quick lunch
riva destira (28/03/2017 15:43)
Gulai chicken became the signature of RM Pak Datuk. The chicken is tender, with a soft texture of fiber. The seasoning was outstanding, creamy coconut milk sauce nuanced red but not too spicy, with a strong aroma of spices
Usman Ali Rana (20/03/2017 05:45)
Good place to taste Sumatra food n culture both.
er24111 (18/03/2017 23:30)
good tasty but too many flies
Mex Ryant (05/02/2017 13:59)
Wastaflenya jorok.. air buangan tersumbat
albert surya (03/02/2017 03:53)
lamak bana makan di rumah makan pak datuak ko, tapi haragonyo minta ampuun waknyo
poe kry (06/01/2017 06:58)
Kalo ksini jgn mesan air mnum krna ga pernah nyampe kekita sampe nasi abis
Elph H (24/12/2016 07:26)
Old west sumatera (nasi padang) in town
William Prawira (08/12/2016 00:41)
I like gulai and fried chicken the most
rini anggraini (30/05/2016 12:22)
Selalu ramai pengunjung & menunya oke
Irwansyah Lubis (30/04/2016 14:29)
Assalamualaikum.. Selamat datang bersama keluarga dan rekan2, di RM PAK DATUK..masakan khas Minang kabau di Kota Dumai..god bless..