Komentar :
suranta ginting (15/03/2018 08:05)
good :v
Doreen Chen (19/02/2018 08:34)
Really good chicken I had to order one more! The special sauce is really spicy tho.
Charles Chen Qingneng (19/02/2018 08:23)
Awesome place with affordable juices and free wifi. Chicken is fresh and fried to a crisp without drying out. Fragrant tempeh id sweet and without any pungent odours. Watch out for the sauce! The sauce is explosively hot!
Ida Hazira Salmina (10/01/2018 02:52)
Soto ayam is nice
Ige Selly (19/11/2017 09:01)
I love this place. Spicy ayam penyet from medan.
Zainul Asri Mohd Zain (25/07/2017 05:02)
The best ayam penyet for me (so far).
Hendris Lie (17/09/2017 09:27)
Its just ok nothing spesial
Rafi M chanel (06/07/2017 14:46)
Good place
Sahari Ari (01/06/2017 05:17)
Cl koffee khusus bagi pengguna smart phone frre wifi, bersantai sejenak melepas penat dari aktifitas sehari hari.
Edison Tarigan (15/05/2017 17:29)
Sangat cocok tuk keluarga makan bersama.
Parkiran lebar nyaman dan makanannya sangat memuaskan.
Tini Aku (28/04/2017 06:36)
Friendly service
Mohammad Jamil (17/04/2017 06:28)
fresh food
Pra Noto Noto (10/03/2017 11:58)
Otw medan parapat pasti laper..
Mampir aja disini
Uenake pooolll
ronald hutauruk (22/02/2017 11:12)
lumayan lah...kalo sdh saya kasih rating, besok kalo gw makan kasih gratis ya...ntar gw promosiin deh
Samsung Galaxy (15/02/2017 03:35)
Hmmmmm....pelayanny agk lmbt....
Hutahaean Ray (06/02/2017 22:31)
One of stop point for Medan Toba trip. Provide national cuisine and rest area.
Fairuz Zhafira (21/01/2017 03:54)
Endes bgt bebek bakar ny
lian Saragih (20/11/2016 03:41)
mantap dan cocok untuk tempat singgah perjalanan medan ke parapat
Danz Lim (08/11/2016 15:25)
Bebeknya empuk n sambelnya mantep bgt!!
dwi wantri (13/10/2016 01:19)
Tempat makan ayam penyet