Komentar :
Jerry Andrean (30/09/2017 15:04)
Sofiandi Effendi (23/09/2017 09:20)
This place is a casual place like other places around. You will pass this toll gate if you are heading to tanjung lesung beach.
Maya Ciptaningtyas (12/09/2017 08:06)
Welcome to Seraaaannngggg ^^
Saki Channel (17/08/2017 13:20)
finest tall, have a nice greet
Aldi Gozali (05/08/2017 16:08)
It's ok. Will be better to have more beautiful staff working on
Hatta Yuthafiga (23/07/2017 02:38)
Please no more fixed Tol much ~_~
Dedi Setiawan (02/06/2017 07:07)
Ok, there are lots of buses to Jakarta and Merak
Faisal Sir (20/04/2017 10:49)
No line for GTO.
rahadian bayu (16/03/2017 02:44)
add toll gate help the driver
Rintang Jann (26/02/2017 05:18)
Haris Triyadi (24/02/2017 09:13)
Good service
Rizki (04/02/2017 10:32)
It's simple toll gate.
Fauzan Adhima (04/10/2016 11:14)
Acep Ruhiyat (13/09/2016 02:45)
Ahmad Jubaedi (15/11/2016 07:20)
Akses keluar masuk ke Serang Kota.. tidak jauh dari Terminal Bis dan kampus Untirta
Ahmad Sadeli Arif (26/09/2016 03:37)
Toll gate terdekat untuk masuk ke kota Serang, Mall of Serang dan RS Sari Asih ada di mulut toll ini..
Rahmat fagundez (20/09/2016 07:28)
Toll gate office of Serang Timur
Saprudin Afkar (31/07/2016 01:17)
Pintu TOL SERANG Timur
Eggy Ramadhani (08/07/2016 21:28)
pintu toll serang timur