Komentar :
Daniel Ariefin (25/05/2018 16:51)
Standart gas station with common fuel to choose. Has store, public toilet, and mushola
abe christ patty (25/05/2018 04:06)
Ibnu Fuad (14/05/2018 02:23)
Irfan Rachmat (17/04/2018 06:15)
Rahmat Hidayat (03/04/2018 04:48)
Daffa Sollahudin (03/01/2018 23:15)
Budi Wins (03/01/2018 13:21)
small but cool
ars m.k (03/09/2017 12:07)
The public restroom was too dark and smell not good. Often run out of stock for pertamax/pertamax turbo. The facility (radiator water and tire compressor) was broken.
Ronny Marshal (07/07/2017 00:41)
Standard gas station with common fuel available, premium, pertalite, Pertamax, dexlite and regular diesel. They also have store, mosque and toilet.
Anggoro Anggoro (15/02/2017 06:59)
always long queing if you buy Pertamax or pertalite cause self service, i suggest you buy Pertamax Turbo hahahhaa