Komentar :
Khasari Aja (09/09/2020 03:00)
jafar permana (13/01/2020 07:24)
Eka Ugi Sutikno (24/12/2019 22:10)
Plasindo Ciruas is place for you to buy cake. Yummy.
Cakes are one of the most popular foods and cakes including snacks. Each region in Indonesia has unique cakes, including those in Serang Banten.
For in the area of ??Serang and its surroundings there are a number of cake shops or cake sellers which are absolutely mandatory for you to go and try the cake. For those of you who live in the Serang and surrounding areas you might be familiar with the names. But for those of you who live outside the Serang area and are in Serang, you must go there and try the cake.
dadan nasuhi (08/10/2019 11:40)
Tona Mulyana (03/05/2019 04:08)
Ok..it is...good..
Timur Purbowati (01/07/2018 02:06)
There is some bread my sister in law like!. Like a six pack body!
Eka Puspitawati (21/07/2019 11:24)
Tempat ini cocok banget buat kalian yang sedang nyari kue buat ulang tahun
Kule Meidy (22/06/2019 17:57)
Kue nya mantappp... Maknyus... Lembut... Enak... Pelayanannya ramah...
Acep Ruhiyat (09/01/2019 01:45)
Dikdik Sidik (04/01/2018 08:43)
Serpan toll project office
Abdul Bae (08/09/2018 03:30)
Bagus pelanyananya
Andreas andre chandra (31/07/2018 09:47)
Okkk bakery nnya
Najma Alhaqieqee (10/07/2018 06:39)
nyaman, luas, rotinya enak, pas dikantong..nyummmy...mudah2an Ciruas suatu saat bebas macet..hehe
Tanziilul Yogo01 (04/04/2018 13:08)
Hahah titik penempatan nya ditengah jalan.sy bantu pindahin ya
ali winata (10/01/2018 01:47)
Lumayan komplit baham kienya
Moch Rosadi (27/11/2017 05:49)
Sangat asik cepat dan langsung dapet lokasi nya
Ayya Poetri (21/11/2017 04:59)
kira2 klo pesan kue ulangtahun disini yg 2 tingkat berapaan y ?
sri rahayu (30/08/2017 04:19)
Pilihan kue yang tersedia kadang tidak banyak, tapi harga kue cukup terjangkau.
Dani Setiawan (05/07/2017 00:25)
Toko kue bolu, kue ultah dll cabang pasar lama serang.