Komentar :
faisal rahmat (04/05/2018 12:31)
A good place, no cheating
Tuti Aminah (02/03/2018 14:52)
Easy to reach.... to fill up your tank.
Andi Wibowo (11/02/2018 15:31)
One of the best place to fill up your vehicle.
Jobrinson Simanungkalit (26/12/2017 17:42)
Located in the corner end of Jl. Theresia, sometime it's so crowded especially in the morning. 😅
Arnold Steven P Napitupulu (01/10/2017 10:59)
Just a regular fuel station. Convenient in the heart of menteng.
Jennifer Alexandra (27/08/2017 13:23)
Too many motorcycle make the que too long and waste the time for Pertalite or Pertamax.