Komentar :
Mega Setiawati (22/04/2018 16:36)
If you don't want to get duped by other pertamina, I suggest you to fill your tank at this gas station.
Wigas Angga Kalifi (01/04/2018 14:03)
Salah satu SPBU yang pertama menerapkan self service kayaknya... Antrian kalau malam hari jam 20an lumayan panjang
Denny Hrt (29/03/2018 14:20)
Ini cukup lengkap...
Ada mini market di belakang
Ada dunkin donuts sebelahan sama mini market
Ada bengkel tepat di belakang mini market
Ada nitrogen
Ada Pertalite
Ada Pertamax
Ada Pertamax turbo juga
Ada toilet di bagian belakang mini market
RINI SUSANTI (25/01/2018 12:33)
Well, I forgot to withdraw and then the staff offered me to pay via debit. Thank got my motor saved🐤
Irnanto Krisnandi (24/12/2017 13:11)
Refuel while you can. No SPBU around here
Aria Dhika Rayendra (22/12/2017 16:14)
Probably in need of expansion because the line sometimes is quite long. On the weekends its rather empty.
Januar Kristianto (29/11/2017 19:36)
Usually crowded here. But you can buy a petrol and need to take a time
Septian Dwi Rahadi (05/09/2017 19:57)
COCO (Company Owned, Company Operated) gas station. Always full whenever you come. Open 24 hours a day