Komentar :
Renan Hafsar (04/05/2018 10:05)
Once the gov can clean up beggars and illegal payments, visitors will appreciate it very much.
angels black (15/04/2018 18:50)
Original building with powerful of believe...
Felisca Melin Dianes (14/04/2018 03:09)
There is so many kids that begging with following u until they got money, so crowded place
Muhamad Banjir (31/03/2018 04:19)
Andro Ginting (16/12/2017 19:12)
One of the oldest mosque in Indonesia. It's an historical place.
Rifki Luthfi (07/07/2017 01:46)
The cultural heritage of the Banten Sultanate must be revived. The physical artifacts along with those of intangible artifacts which reside in every heart of Bantenese who uphold and respect their great founding fathers achievements. Thanks to new elected governor of Banten having intention to make Banten Lama even better-managed. Banten Lama has been mis-managed for so long. Wake up Banteners!
anggi andira (23/08/2017 02:40)
Great Mosque of Banten is a historic mosque in Old Banten.
Ichlasul Affan (22/07/2017 09:42)
One of the best preserved Banten heritage and it's still used now.
Rafid Fikri (27/05/2017 05:38)
It's a very historical place, and have a big chance to be a great destination when you're in banten, but there are too many trash around that make it look not so good
Afif Rawzuhdi (24/04/2017 23:39)
It is a good place. But there are so many trash around
Suherman Suherman (08/04/2017 15:15)
I like this place.
Muhammad Suni (18/11/2016 03:18)
Taryadi Yadi (22/10/2016 10:41)
Very best
aswyne arief Nasution (22/08/2016 08:42)
di waktu malam tiba tempat yang nyaman untuk beribadah dikala kita dalam perjalanan bersama keluarga dan kerabat :D SobB
at the time nightfall comfortable place to worship at a time when we are on the way with family and friends: D SobB
Raihan Pratama (07/02/2016 09:27)
It was OK. But I think it would be better if it was provided with more trash bins. Many ignorant and careless people just threw away their trashes to the ground. That was really bothering me.
T Sujarwanto (21/11/2016 07:04)
One of historical mosques in Banten
Rahadian Yamin (16/11/2016 03:55)
Banyak penjual parfum yg maksa
Solikhul Hadi (17/10/2016 07:37)
Kurang perhatian dari pihak pemprov, masih ada pemalakan bermodus
Mang kedi Kedi (17/08/2016 12:06)
Aku orang banten
Fazlur Rahman (17/08/2016 05:36)
Masjid Agung Provinsi Banten
irwan haryadi (09/07/2016 04:50)
masjid ber sejarah
Agus Triyono (01/06/2015 03:38)
Ziarah makam sultan hasanudin