Komentar :
Ayu Nilamsari (11/04/2018 03:53)
Lengkap, murah
Fajar Fachruddin (10/04/2018 08:55)
Wholesale experience, buy more to get fair price
Arniaty Lafifa (17/02/2018 23:59)
I hate the "pack yourself" thing after shopping. but that's how they do.
Haji Kiki (08/02/2018 00:43)
Goood shoping
Rahmi Kholidah (03/01/2018 16:14)
Good service and offer many things related to our daily needs.
Annisa Suci Nurfarah (10/12/2017 11:38)
It has a cheaper price than the other. But, why payment with visa/mastercard, bca card and the other card must be charged anymore? Meanwhile, the other is not
Rizki ; (29/11/2017 14:26)
Every month, I go to this wholeseller to buy monthly needs on my households
Faraha Julismana Putra (01/09/2017 08:58)
Routine monthly shopping, it has big parking.
The goods not so completely
Imeyjude (07/08/2017 12:17)
So far so good
Muhammad Evan Taufik (06/07/2017 01:30)
Great place to shopping. Nice price
Acep Ruhiyat (01/07/2017 04:01)
aris gunawan (25/05/2017 13:08)
Bagus tempatnya untuk orang yang suka belanja banyak 👍👍👍👍
Zaenal Muttaqin (11/05/2017 02:56)
one stop shopping
Daniel Novario (11/04/2017 01:26)
Enough cheap for shopping in this place. Very comfort but the air conditioner bot too cold.
panji ginanjar (11/02/2017 22:49)
A bang for your bucks, cheaper in dozen or bulk. You must bring your own grocery bags here (no plastic bags provided by store)
Begy Anggara (09/02/2017 20:13)
Tempat nyaman, parkir gratis, hanya saja tidak di kasih kantong plastik saat belanja.
Jadi cocok untuk belanja banyak dan menggunakan mobil.
Abu Dabi (03/02/2017 07:21)
Lengkap belanja smua perlengkapan dapur elektronik dll smua ada di lotte mart harga nya jg lumayan miring di banding yg lain
NASUHI S.Pd.I (04/10/2016 14:17)
starcofan 667 (14/09/2016 06:59)
This is very nice and a great grocery store
Saprudin Afkar (15/07/2016 04:26)
Antrian di kasirnya lama banget
Rizki Setiawan (14/07/2016 15:12)
Jokoo Santosa (04/07/2016 09:24)
Rangga Pradipta (09/06/2016 05:55)
Murah product promina dan sunnya...
Clarence Rusli S (14/01/2016 11:04)
Murah deh, kmrn beli freezer dimari dan harganya ga jauh ma di jakarta