Komentar :
Boy Simanjuntak (04/07/2018 10:40)
I think it will be the biggest mall in Cilegon for now. Good for weekend leisure.
Francis Wibisono (26/06/2018 17:19)
Good shopping mall. Cold air conditioning, plenty of parking spaces. Some of the tenants are still under construction, but so far, it's pretty decent.
Anggit Prasetiyo (22/06/2018 13:16)
1 month opening, still good and satisfying. Will see a couple months ahead, hope will be different than the others in Cilegon city.
Putri Ashri (13/06/2018 03:23)
The biggest mall in Cilegon, just open with many maintenance. But there are good/modest tenants already open too. (Starbucks, Payless, Miniso, Sport Station, Matahari, Make up shops, Colorbox, manzone, Erha & Panties pizza coming soon, etc. Still have to wait until it's fully done!
Nia Yuliani (08/06/2018 04:21)
Store nya msh bnyk yg kosong.. untk saat ini parkiran motornya msh agak berantakan, suasana mall nya lumayan lah 😆
holan romansah (06/06/2018 12:16)
The newest mall in cilegon..
Soft opening at May 2018.
There are tenants like as: Matahari, Starbucks, Numbers 61, Solaria, Steak21, etc..
Foodcourt available in here..
Game centre for kids available in here too..
yanti fatma (06/06/2018 09:40)
Blm lengkap. Berharap dept.storenya yg blm ada di daerah clg-srg, ternyata pade bae
Sony Hermawan (19/05/2018 12:10)
Mall nya belum beroperasi
sur yanto (14/05/2018 02:16)
masih dalam proses finising
Yoel Rasjid (04/05/2018 11:29)
Masih proyek. Belum jadi. Untuk naik kesini lewat jalan samping bang bjb. Dan bni syariah. (04/05/2018)
edi kurniawan (04/03/2018 15:49)
Masih dalam proses pembangunan
Sahalas Cepe (24/02/2018 13:45)
Not open yet, still under construction but it should be a good mall
Herru S Sutandi (13/02/2018 13:46)
Mall yg lumayan besar dan cukup nyaman
Hamlifah Dzikra (12/02/2018 13:38)
Tempat belanja yang fun music live nya KEREN
Harry Handika (15/01/2018 06:51)
Lumayan lah untuk belanja dengan harga terjangkau
Samsung Joness (21/10/2017 03:21)