Komentar :
Lianto Raharjo (17/05/2018 06:23)
Catherine Pujiono (09/05/2018 08:18)
Chahyo Guntoro Popo (13/03/2018 09:17)
Wuih uapik banget bude Nunung lt21
fajar sidiq (22/09/2017 12:00)
Nice apartment
Aldo Putra (13/08/2017 12:13)
Apartement units are sufficient but parking policy sucks.
Rusdy S. Nugraha (01/06/2017 08:22)
Big mall with lottemart and ace hardware. Tenant is a bit limited since the mall is new. Has a huge mosque in the basement, you wont need to queue for pray
Tika Khuzaini (11/04/2017 04:15)
Lydia Hutabarat (29/06/2017 14:15)
Tempat makan mulai banyak, ada lottemart, acehardware, cgv, sayangnya tdk ada atm center, perlu dilengkapi lagi mallnya.