Komentar :
Jalan Pulang (11/12/2020 13:30)
Come back here ...
Griya media 2 Dental Clinic and Ortho.
The place is united with the garden cafe.
Comfortable and friendly service. And for the little brother who is taking medication here, there is merchandise so that you are not afraid of the dentist.
Before coming here, don't forget to call first and make an appointment, because it is one of the favorite dentist places in the city of Attack. Although for the relative harha yes. Some say it is cheap, some say it is over price.
But usually here at the same time with tartar cleaning so just make sure at the time of the consultation so you can prepare both the cost and the tartar cleaning action.
Oh yes, while waiting for the doctor, we can order food at the Garden Coffee plus shopping at the distro. Feeling one stop really easy live here.
The facilities are also complete, there is a prayer room and bathroom. But unfortunately there are no X-rays here so usually referrals are given to the Biomed Lab for the patients.
Keep your teeth healthy by brushing your teeth at least 3 times a day. And remember to use the mask and keep social distancing on.
"Healthy is definitely happy, happiness is definitely healthy"
Devi Khairul (21/07/2020 13:46)
The doctor is friendly and beautiful ...
Children love to check teeth ... just a god job ????????????????
Hilman Taufik110 (19/07/2020 12:07)
Mantap pokoe
Rakhmad Yunianto (26/05/2020 12:03)
Sebelum cabut gigi saya bandingin ke klinik yg lain ternyata harga di griya medika lbh murah. karena saya cabut gigi komplikasi. Pelayanan yg ramah dokter nya profesional.. cabut gigi ditemani istri dan anak saya ke cafe nya.. jadi ga jenuh dech
Amin Febri (13/05/2020 18:11)
kemahalan cabut gigi aja 1 juta lebih????
El _ (10/02/2020 13:45)
Keren banget!!!!
Dari awal gigi bolong udah dalam dan setelah dicek disini ternyata gigi di depannya juga bolong (tapi masih kecil) , terus dilakuin perawatan saluran akar gigi dan ditambal permanen yang ciamik bener,, ga keliatan bekas tambelan permanennya
Literally ga keliatan kalo gigi itu abis ditambal
Recommended banget
You should try their treatment for your teeth
The best pokoknyaaa
Thanks a lot drg Ida & drg Panji
Pssst hospitality nya juga bagus banget...
Riza Novellin (07/02/2020 00:52)
Dokternya ramah dan ga pelit jawab pertanyaan yg kita ajuin, pelayanannya juga bagus dan didepannya ada resto jadi kalo laper bisa langsung mesen serta ada mini distro juga, mantapp
lia lia (04/08/2019 00:10)
Pelayanan ramah, bersih, dokter ok bgt.. bakal sering dtg, apalagi anak2 senang dsna ada mandi bola.. dokter gigi ada tmpt bermain anak2
Fahmi Fahmi (22/07/2019 14:04)
Pelayanan baik dan dokternya sangat ramah
apri yanto (15/07/2019 11:18)
Cabut gigi di griya medika ga sakit sedikit pun dan pelayanan nya bagus saya puasa debgan servis nya makasih untuk griya medika....
Sayuti Malik channel (15/07/2019 11:18)
Tempat y bagus. Dan d tambah d depan y ada cafe y. Laper tinggal pesan d depan y. Jdi ga repot2 keluar.
pangeran konyol99 (15/07/2019 10:44)
Perawatan gigi ya bagus..mantap..
adi wiyono (16/07/2018 06:46)
Pelayanan yg ramah dan profesional