Komentar :
deddy hermawan (10/10/2018 07:40)
Nice brand..full of choice
Erick Fernando (17/06/2018 11:00)
Nice place for adventure shop, please always update new stock
Iden Salman Aminudin (26/05/2018 16:30)
Good brand n good services.
Sean Wie (24/05/2018 12:17)
Standard eiger store together with export and bodypack product
nico ferari (09/05/2018 05:05)
Macharia Mwangi (01/05/2018 23:12)
Very good quality bags and outdoor adventure goods sold here. What I like most about the shop is the price!
Nando Fernando (27/04/2018 03:54)
This eiger store has a lot of collection,, we have many options to choose here,,
Badrulloh al biruni (30/03/2018 14:04)
Nice place for shope your wear adventure
Zainal Arifin (05/03/2018 08:46)
Complete collection
Wilujeng Pribadi (01/03/2018 05:48)
memang bagus kalo kalian cari tas(300rb-525rb) yg kualitas terjamin,baju,jaket,asesoris buat backpacker pilihan cukup banyak ada n harga terjangkau barang2 mantap puol.pelayanan ramah bgt.lokasi mudah dilihat dipeta.dr matahari cilegon ataupun ramayana cilegon naik angkot cuma 4rb dh sampai tempat ini.
agus muryadi (06/01/2018 15:03)
Representative place and complete
Ichsan Sandypratama (06/10/2017 04:51)
official eiger store with a lot of stuff
MA RAM (22/10/2017 01:26)
Toko eiger asli ada di cilegon. Mantap great place to shop mountain stuff
Nur rahma (21/10/2017 02:49)
Msh kurang lengkap
Pandu Maulana Kusnandar (17/09/2017 12:25)
Barangnya komplit
Mawardi Oshie (05/09/2017 07:35)
Tempat yg asik
Suheli (27/08/2017 20:09)
Pelayanan bagus. Dan barang barabgnya jga mantap Recsell dah
den baguss (09/07/2017 03:02)
Lumayan lengkap barang2 nya, terutama tas, berkualitas. Tapi, pilihan untuk topi msh sedikit.
Amsori Tirtana (02/07/2017 07:36)
Tempatnya di jalan protokol dan lumayan nyaman tempatnya
Aziz Agus (14/06/2017 13:47)
tempat rapih, parkirannya kurang luas, pelayannya ramah ramah
Mohamad Ilham Topik (10/06/2017 13:45)
Masih ada ya kurang respect cuma gara2 stelan yg dipake jadi di rada di cuekin, padahal beli 2 tas..
AGUNG MUKTI WIBOWO (07/05/2017 11:19)
Enak suasanannya
sugiyono yon (04/05/2017 15:21)
Koleksi Eiger
Haqqi Abdillah (14/03/2017 03:13)
Muhammad Nurdiansyah (28/12/2016 13:49)
good, harga sesuai d web, ready stock (y)
dewi prasasti (30/08/2016 01:58)
Coba lebih ketengah kota lokasinya, pasti lebih banyak pengunjungnya