Komentar :
dudutz marudutzz (28/07/2019 10:40)
Good places
Adi Pangestu (17/06/2019 06:44)
Simple tasty
Ade Rahmat Jaelani (04/06/2019 17:16)
Just a common place for hangout with friends.
Putra Kresnanda (31/01/2019 14:56)
Same taste quality
Astanov Ben (05/09/2018 01:52)
The only dunkin store in this area, nice one.
Lilian Dwinanda (14/11/2018 08:55)
Did u ever got the promo? Buy 6 get 6? Saya rasa itu bohong. Karena yg ada di monitor kasir, buy 8 get 4. Fyi, yg belum pernah klaim SMS promonya, promo berlaku untuk donat selain topping keju & croissant. It was disappointed 😔
Sascha Brato (22/09/2018 05:37)
Nice and tasty!
Astanov Astanov (05/09/2018 01:52)
The only dunkin store in this area, nice one.
eva rainsa (02/08/2018 09:48)
Michael Chang (16/07/2018 15:44)
Nice and cozy place to chillin'
Apudirza Ukail (25/05/2018 01:02)
Enak. Asyik uhuy......
Sri Aisha Ningsih (29/04/2018 23:35)
yang mo nongki2 budget terbatas, nongkinya hr jumat, sabtu, minggu aja bli minum 1 gratis 1 byr pke krtu BCA
Fantastic Action (27/04/2018 19:47)
Asyik santai dan nyaman. Yang lebih penting lagi sambil ngopi bisa ngerokok didalam hehehe