Komentar :
fahri husaini (09/09/2020 07:27)
I am a Sinar Jaya customer from 2016. I choose Sinar Jaya because it is comfortable and the service is good. But the agents here are very uninformed. No telf number. And the location of the place has changed Now the location is at 5,935225,106,000953 just copy and paste on the google map. The Poko is far from where it started. And no one knows. So it's quiet here. In the future, please update both the location and number that can be contacted.
Agus Onde Solo (02/06/2020 02:49)
Bus nyaman dan pelayanan oke
chanel project (19/05/2020 02:35)
No hp nya mana?
arif handoyo (10/01/2020 08:03)
Find some others place... Need much improvement
Ajda Family (02/01/2020 13:31)
Kemarin pas pulang dr Lampung kehabisan tiket menuju Wonosobo hiks
kaka rara channel (04/10/2019 10:59)
Sinar jaya selalu tepat waktu.. bukam mencari penumpang tapi mengutamakan layanan
Ibni Yafi (17/10/2018 12:47)
Rifa Qodrina Falqiyah (10/07/2018 16:14)
fajar setyawan (28/12/2017 09:37)
Jasmine Azzara (09/07/2019 15:45)
Bus nya nyaman dan ga ugal-ugalan
astried nurfatikha (12/05/2019 01:54)
Ada yg via terminal Indihiang Tasikmalaya ?!
alka yss racing club (11/05/2019 01:51)
Waktu saya di busdid sama dengan asli nya
helmy Qq (19/09/2018 22:25)
Murah tiketnya nyaman
Gilang Ramadhan (02/08/2018 21:43)
Nomer hp PO merak brapa mas?
rizky fahmi (29/07/2018 06:27)
Buka nya jam 8 kurang sedikit
Viester Dolles (03/06/2018 17:46)
Agen Tiket Bus
Yudhie Straa (18/03/2018 08:54)
bangku tunggunya kurang banyak, suka bingung mau duduk dimana kalo rame..
Anggi Glistiya (08/11/2017 07:37)
Itu yg tertera nomer telfon PT. Daekyung Indah Heavy Industry Cilegon, minta tlong di update dong nomernya.
Heri Wibowo (13/08/2017 07:21)
Nomor telponnnya salahh
bunda aji (29/06/2017 12:38)
Brp ya no hp agen sinar jaya merak
Media Dakwah (19/03/2017 10:43)
novi musfiroh (06/12/2016 23:03)
Saya kalo mau ke Brebes naik bus sinar Jaya yang bisa ke Tegal Jakarta pokoknya enak deh ya jangan lupa yah kalian semuanya baik-baik di jalan Raya ....?